Saturday 5 March 2016


I turn 20 in four months and I've never dreaded anything more. Since turning 17, my life has been a rollercoaster of trying to figure my life out and so far, so bad. No one ever tells you that you have to pay your own bills, or that you have to get a job to survive. No one ever tells you how hard it is to have to do your own laundry or how much you will miss the free meals that await you when you ditch your family for a whole day.

 Being an adult is great, I mean it's like simultaneously knowing you shouldn't watch just one more episode on Netflix whilst also knowing nobody can stop you. On the other hand, being an adult is the dumbest thing I've ever done. Here's how I feel:

When your parents kick you off their family plan, forcing you to pay your own cell phone bill.

You have to pay rent.

Your metabolism is too slow to eat fast food. You do it anyway, and self-pity immediately sets in.

You have to pay back the massive sum that is your student loans.

You start going to bed at 10 p.m., because you have to be up at 6 a.m. for work, and yes, because you're fucking tired.

Your mailbox is now full of bills, not money-filled cards from relatives.

You never see your friends because they're too busy shopping with their significant others


 9 to 5 is a time for mourning and depression.

stealing gif

You can no longer break laws without serious consequences.

When life hits you so hard in the face, you don't see it coming


When you realise what it meant to have free food
However, being an adult does have some perks like,
dont give a shit gif

 The ability to not give a shit is amazing because it doesn’t affect anyone else.

bad grandpa gif
Having your own credit card(s) makes you live life like a boss.
like a boss gif
 You do what you want, when you want, because you want to.


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