Sunday 6 March 2016


Being judged by your appearance when you’re not a supermodel can be super hard, especially when you’re food. The following edible items have likely struggled with body-image issues their whole lives. They have SO MUCH TO OFFER and there is NOTHING wrong with the way they taste, but their presentation leaves much to be desired. Come on weird foods, you’re beautiful on the inside, where it’s supposed to count and most of the time does but a lot of times does not. The following foods need to take a look in the mirror and say, "I love and support you, you are beautiful, and you deserve a great day."

Buffalo Chicken Dip

buffalo chicken dip gross looking
Looks Like: Hot Cat Throw-Up.
Tastes Like: A gift from the guards that is both spicy and savoury and good on everything.


mussels look disgusting
Looks Like: A creature from the sea (duh).
Tastes Like: Whatever delicious sauce it is soaked in.

Chili Dogs

chili dog looks digesting
Looks Like: Dog vomit.
Tastes Like: Spicy heart attack waiting to happen.

Corned Beef Hash

corned beef hash looks disgusting
Looks Like: Cat food.
Tastes Like: A meaty delight.

Passion Fruit

passion fruit looks disgusting
Looks Like: Alien fish larvae.
Tastes Like: Tropical sweet mangoes with lemon.


guacamole looks gross
Looks Like: The insides of an alien.
Tastes Like: Mexican GOLD.


oatmeal food looks disgusting
Looks Like: That mush they serve in orphanages in the movies.
Tastes Like: A hearty breakfast (if you add some brown sugar).


ginger looks gross
Looks Like: The gnarled hands of a witch.
Tastes Like: Palate-cleansing spiciness.

Beef Stroganoff

beef stroganoff looks gross
Looks Like: Dog food.
Tastes Like: Comforting beef.

Split Pea Soup

split pea soup looks gross
Looks Like: Puke.
Tastes Like: Creamy delight on a fall day.


caviar looks gross tastes good
Looks Like: Fish eggs ... errrr.
Tastes Like: Something rich people eat.

Buddha’s Hands

buddhas hands look gross
Looks Like: The mangled hands of a ancient person.
Tastes Like: Lemons, apparently!


tofu looks gross

Looks Like: A white sponge.
Tastes Like: Nothing, really. Which is better than tasting horrible! HAHAHHHHHH.


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